I have come to realize in the past week that I definitely deserve more in the next relationship I am in. I shouldn't be the giver all the time. I deserve to be the receiver as well. Unfortunately for me, sometimes I do too much giving and it's hard for me to receive things. I need to change that. I need to keep in mind that I deserve to be "treated like a princess," as one of my best friends keeps reminding me. There is someone out there for everyone, I just need to find that perfect person. Who would my perfect person be you ask? Oh, let me tell you!
My perfect guy would be loyal, and trustworthy. I have had plenty of reasons to have trust issues in the past. Luckily, I have grown to realize that not every guy is an asshole.He would call me sometimes instead of texting me, especially when I hint that I miss their voice. It's just nice to actually have conversation than read texts all day. He will call me beautiful, and pretty, because I am in my own perfect way. My future love will make me laugh on the days that I won't want to laugh the most. He will want to cuddle when I am sad, and for no reason at all. He can come up behind me while I'm cooking and wrap his arms around me and kiss me on the cheek (hint, absolutely love that). Flowers? Heck yes. Lilies are my favorite. I also love Gerber daisy's. Most of all, I want my future love to make me a better person and I want to help them be a better person. Finding that someone that you can trust with your secrets and your entire life is scary, but its definitely worth the search.
I deserve to be treated well, and be loved for who I am. I am not a perfect girl, but if someone gives me the chance, I could be their perfect girl. Honestly, I'm looking for the guy who will tell his friends I am the one. If you're reading this years from now and you're married to me, congratulations! You survived and have my trust completely. Don't lose it, and please love me for who I am and be there for me when I need you the most.
"Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing."- Torquato Tasso
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